Design and Technology | St. Aidan's Primary School – A Church of England  AcademyD&T in primary schools develops young children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures,

mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. D&T encourages

children's creativity and encourages them to think about important issues.

DATA (The Design & Technology Association)  www.data.org.uk

Design and Technology is a way of learning, which spans and links the whole curriculum. In primary school it has its roots in imaginative play, art and science.  We want all children at Stockham Primary School to think innovatively, to question and explore the practical world around them and to develop a positive and passionate approach to their learning, through creative design because at Stockham everyone learns, everyone achieves and everyone matters!  Children learn how to apply their technical knowledge and justify their design decisions using key vocabulary, initial designs, mock-ups, prototypes and functional products from the conceptual through to the constructional, avoiding design fixation. We want to instill this ethos at the heart of all good design - to design, test, make and evaluate...