
Head Boy and Head Girl:
This year, our year 6 head boy and girl are Kiran Brown and Lily Basset. They were chosen due to being recognised for always making a concerted effort towards their work and showing excellent behaviour in and around school. 
Some of their responsibilities may include:
Always setting a good example to others.
Supporting younger children in lessons and around school.
Writing class news for year 6.
Showing visitors around the school.

School Council

At the beginning of a new school year, children at Stockham vote for their class representative for the School Council.

The voting is organised in the style of a General Election. Each year group selects potential candidates, who then set about campaigning for votes from their class peers. Candidates make a short speech outlining the qualities that would make them a good School Council Representative. They also have to put forward ideas for improving the school.


 House Captains